Yesterday we shared that the Triumph team was fighting off feelings of disappointment when their original well placement, including two days’ worth of drilling, was lost due to unexpected issues with water pressure. Today, we are pleased to report that the team was able to make up lost time and is well on its way to providing clean water for the people of Cerco de Piedra!
The Triumph team relocated the drill and equipment 100 yards away from the original location and immediately began drilling a new well in search of improved water pressure. Stable water pressure is essential to provide a sufficient water source for the community. It took 12 hours of work and 36 meters (120 feet) of drilling, but the team came together to make it happen. The water pressure at the new location turned out to be perfect.
The hygiene team spent the day teaching the children how to properly brush their teeth and read the miracle of Jesus walking on water. When lessons were complete, they joined the kids to play games. After a fun afternoon with the kids, the hygiene team joined the drilling team for an additional three hours of work at the new site of the well.
The drilling team made great progress throughout the day. After drilling the appropriate depth and inserting the pipes into the ground below the well pump, the well was set, and the team laid the concrete foundation. Triumph trip team leaders Christine and Ray placed the Triumph plaque into the concrete, and the team celebrated their progress of a fulfilling 12-hour workday. What a difference one day can make! Later this week, the team is installing an electrical pump for the well which will provide clean, running water to hundreds of people for years to come!
We are so proud of our Triumph team for making the most of a difficult situation and for their hard work and determination to make this happen! Today, the team’s plan is to flush the well of dirty water, install the electric pump for the well, and prepare for a well dedication ceremony with all the people in the village tomorrow.