Supporting Our City

Aaron P. Graft

July 8, 2016

Dallas-based team-

As you all know, there was a horrible tragedy in downtown Dallas last night. A peaceful protest became violent due to the actions of a few misguided individuals.

We should also bear in mind that the catalyst for the rally last night was to recognize other tragedies that have occurred in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and many other cities over the past few years.

There is a lot we don’t know about these events, but what we do know is that there are families in Dallas, Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and many other cities that are mourning the loss of a mom, dad, brother, sister or child.

The mayor of Dallas has called for companies to pray for Dallas at noon today. If you are so inclined, I invite you to pray individually or gather with your colleagues to pray for the grieving families and for unity in our community. Use any conference room, office or other space that is available throughout the day.

For me personally, I am praying that the truth of John 16:33 will be true to those who are mourning right now. In that verse, Jesus said that we will have troubles in this world, but we can have hope that he has overcome the world.

In addition to our prayers, I have asked our philanthropy committee to make a donation on behalf of Triumph to the appropriate foundation to aid those affected by last night’s tragedy.

For those of you who are/were in law enforcement or have family members who continue to serve and protect us, please know that we are grateful for your service.

May we have peace on earth and goodwill for all-
